Ecotone productions

Rebel | Angel

Rebel Angel is a film about identity, love, dysfunctional families, despair, the redemptive power of art, and the long, relentless reach of mentorship.

Seven years in the making, Rebel Angel paints a portrait of the evanescent cultural figure Ross Woodman (1922-2014), Jungian author Marion Woodman, and their extraordinary marriage. Ross played a key role in the 'Regionalist' art scene in London, Ontario in the 1960s which gave us many of Canada's most significant artists from that period. Marion was first introduced to Jung’s thought by Ross before they were married in the late 1950s. He accompanied Marion through her journey as a pioneering Jungian analyst who is credited with bringing the Feminine into depth psychology. A champion of creative imagination, he was also an original interpreter of depth psychology in the context of his profound knowledge of world literature and religions, in particular the Baha’i faith. His generosity as a mentor, and his pure artistry as a lecturer on Blake, Shelley and the Romantic poets made him unforgettable, life changing. Through the prism of Woodman's deeply troubled life, the film maker explores the dynamic among, love, creativity and madness in movies, poetry and art. 

89 minutes. Written, Produced and Directed by Christopher Lowry

What people are saying about Rebel | Angel:

I laughed, I wept. I was overwhelmed.
A glorious celebration and a beautiful film in every way. 

—Karen Mulhallen, Poet, Editor of Descant magazine,
Professor Emeritus Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson)

So much love there with zero sentimentality! 
I can’t remember watching a movie like that before. 

—John Hoedl, Jungian Analyst, President of the International Society
for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority

Far-reaching... It is a wonderful
study of a cultural moment in Canada’s maturing cultural life...
It seemed to say things about you (or me) or anyone who has fallen under
the intense spell of the Romantic vision.
—Johanne Clare, author and Professor, George Brown College

I am utterly stunned by the brilliance and beauty and depth
of Rebel Angel. Truly a masterpiece.  

—David Haenke, Poet and Forest Manager, Ozark Regional Land Trust

A masterful labour of love.
—Deanne Bogdan, Professor Emerita, Department of Social Justice Education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto

Ross Woodman
(photo: Tim Wilson)

Film maker Chris Lowry
(photo: Tim Wilson)
